Are you done having children, or would you like to avoid the prospect of having them altogether? If so, consider a vasectomy at Huntington Urology Specialists, located in Pasadena, California. Led by board-certified urologists Ramin Khalili, MD, and Armen Dikranian, MD, the practice offers “no scalpel vasectomies in a professional, supportive environment. We are pleased to offer mild sedation with a self-administered analgesic (nitrous oxide) as an option for some patients. To find out if a vasectomy is right for you, schedule an appointment by calling Huntington Urology Specialists or requesting an appointment online.

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What is a vasectomy?

A vasectomy is a common form of male birth control. During a vasectomy, your doctor cuts and seals the vas deferens. The vas deferens is the tube that carries sperm from your testicles to your urethra, where it combines with sperm.

The procedure usually takes 30 minutes. The results aren’t instantaneous, and you have to ejaculate 15 to 20 times before all of the sperm that was already in your semen clears.

It’s important that, until Huntington Urology Specialists confirms that you’ve ejaculated all your sperm, you use a secondary birth control method.

Does a vasectomy hurt?

Popular culture perpetuates the myth that vasectomies are extremely painful when, in reality, they’re not. To ease your discomfort before the procedure begins, your doctor injects the scrotal skin with a local anesthetic. The needle they use is very small.

During the procedure, you may still feel some minor pain and/or a tugging or pulling sensation. After your vasectomy, you’ll experience bruising, pain, and swelling for a few days. To ease your pain and heal well, ice your scrotum for the first two days after surgery.

For at least two days after your surgery, you should also bandage your scrotum and wear tightfitting underwear for added support.

What if I decide I want children later?

If, later on down the line, you decide that you do want children, you can get a vasectomy reversal. During the procedure, your provider reverses your vasectomy either by:

  • Stitching together the ends of your severed vas deferens
  • Attaching the vas deferens directly to the epididymis, which is a small organ behind each testicle that holds sperm

It’s important to understand that not all vasectomy reversals result in the restoration of your fertility. Pregnancy rates after a vasectomy reversal hinge on a number of variables, including:

  • How long ago you got your vasectomy
  • Your partner’s age
  • Whether or not you struggled to conceive before your vasectomy

After a vasectomy reversal, pregnancy rates vary widely, from about 30 percent to upwards of 90 percent.

Regardless, you should look at vasectomy as a permanent procedure, and that if you think you may want kids in the future, it may not be the right procedure for you.

If you struggle with infertility, Huntington Urology Specialists may also recommend a varicocele repair. Varicoceles are varicose veins that occur in the testicles and scrotum and can cause low sperm count, decreased sperm motility, and an increase in deformed sperm.

Varicocele repair for infertility works by eliminating the varicocele through minor surgery or a catheter-directed embolism.

If you’ve decided that you don’t want kids or that you’re done having kids, a vasectomy may be the right choice for you. To learn more about your options, reach out to Huntington Urology Specialists online or over the phone today.